Thursday, June 30, 2011

jUst cLose Ur eYes & iMagiNe

Just close your eyes and imagine,
You have just one more day to live;
One more day to show Allah Ta'ala,
To you 'Heaven' should he give?
To say goodbye to your family,
And all your closest friends;
To ask for forgiveness,
And try to make amends;

Just close your eyes and imagine,
Did you miss a prayer or two?
Did you please Allah Ta'ala, and do the things,
He asks every Muslim to do?

Just close your eyes and imagine,
Tomorrow you will be gone;
No more second chances,
To smell the mist of dawn;

Just close your eyes and imagine,
The angels are going to come,
To take your soul and ask,
In your life "what have you done?"

Just close your eyes and imagine,
The words you want to say;
Will not come out you may realize,
For all your deeds you'll pay;
You want to speak out, to cry out..
"In Allah Ta'ala I believe"
But silence beckons you,
No more can u deceive;

Just close your eyes and imagine,
Your silence breaks away;
You tell the angels you believe in Allah Ta'ala,
And for him, you did pray;
You say as tears are pouring down,
Please Allah Ta'ala, forgive me,
For the sins that I committed,
Have mercy is my plea!

Just close your eyes and imagine,
That the smell of musk surrounds you,
From your head down to your feet;
You realise Allah Ta'ala forgave you,
Hell fire you did defeat;

But we all know as Muslims,
When it's time for you to die;
You'll not be given a second chance,
To say a last goodbye;

So live each day as If it's your last,
And never forget to pray;
So when the angels come to ask,
You'll know the words to say.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

dA aBes eXam...

wa da abes exam...
ikt level of confident ms jwb exam last week...
  1. community
  2. endocrine
  3. communicable disease
  4. orthopedic
  5. genitourinary
  6. opthalmology
  7. pengajian malaysia
ta brp best jwb exam...
sbb ta brp shat...
selesema n batuk....
ms osce i screwed up kat female catheterization....
Ya Allah...
geramnyer kat diri aku....
ketar yang amat ms wat 2....
2-3 kali ulang...
asyik salah je....
smp mdm cakap relax...
jgn nervous sangat...
that shows how much i stressed out on that particular station...
da la tu 1st station aku...
pape pown sumenyer da selesai....
now i just hope that i'll get best result...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

eXam da dEkat la!!!!!!

exam is just around the corner...
i'm so not ready...
ta start pape pown lagik neyh....
bru kemas study table jer...
mcm mne neyh???
da la ade 7 subjects this sem...
tgk nota community ckp wat aku lth.......
blm tgk yang len lagi....
any advice???
i really should start my revision now la...
papa pye expectation for me for this sem is getting 4 flat...
mcm mne na dpt 4 flat klu da na exam tapi ta wat revision lgsg???
next week da na start wat revision ngan group 'H','A','R','A','M'...
tp klu na start study group tapi otak kosong camne la...
kne study on my own gak..
ok la...
i dun wanna waste my time anymore by doing this thing for this moment...
gotta focus on my exam coz my result plays a huge role when i graduate later....
so long bloggie...
aloha to all my notes....

Friday, June 3, 2011

kEjaDiAn di tRaffiC LigHt...

pada petang hari rabu yang indah...
saya bersama rakan2 saya iaitu:
1- hanif a.k.a mr. prasantan(driver)
2- mila a.k.a MKK(co-driver)
3- anis a.k.a budak baik(passenger 1)
4- hasdirah a.k.a kadiaq(passenger 2)
5- diya a.k.a kembelai(passenger 3)
semasa kami berhenti di traffic light (on the way na gi melawat doyah yang sakit di rumah beliau)
sya yang sedang sakit tekak akibat mengemas study table di pv yang sangat berhabuk (nmpk sgt da lma ta study) tengah tahan na batuk...
tahan pye thn tanak batuk last2 tteerrrbatuk jgk...
na taw betapa kuatnyer batuk sya 2..
mati engine krte diwatnyer...
puas aku...
gatal tekak pye pasal...
terkezut mr driver....
nsb bek la krte ngah brhnti kat traffic light...
klu tgh jln alamatnyer "jalan" la kami berlima pada waktu itu...
begitulah ceritenyer....
pape pown..ktowg smp di rumah doyah dengan selamat....
ta mati engine da...
maqashi yaa...